Rugvista natjecanje u dizajnu!

Finalisti 2021. - glasujte i osvojite nagradu

Seclusion od Wasif Hussain

Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo

Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo

This particular design was inspired from the times of solitude. Whenever you are alone sitting by yourself is the very moment that you are your true self.
Your past, your future ambitions and whatever you are you can feel that in that very moment. Waiting for a bus on the bus stop or sitting in your living gazing out through the window. This very moment spent alone with yourself is the whole of you. Even the most loved ones are a 'second' person at that time. Your guilt, your ambitions, the memories you cherish - all play inside of you like a show reel.

O programu Wasif Hussain

I am a professional Sculptor. Though primarily trained as a fine artist I also take keen interest in design. Whatever statement I make in my work the vocabulary comes from experimenting with forms, materials and colors.

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