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Finalisti 2021. - glasujte i osvojite nagradu

COLOURS od Rashmi Vrajmohan

United States

United States

This design is an attempt to use colour with childish put paint to paper without thinking of outer limits or neatness in enjoy the process without focusing too much on the take pleasure in the simple and ordinary.

O programu Rashmi Vrajmohan

Rashmi was born and brought up in India and studied design at the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad. She moved to the US to pursue her Masters degree in Textile Design. Since 2004 she has been designing home textiles with an emphasis on structured and woven textiles. She finds inspiration in all things around her but is particularly drawn to nature. She loves working with colour and is greatly influenced by the rich colours of India. She has a passion for traditional textiles of the world and the study of their indigenous techniques of creation. She currently lives in Philadelphia and is a freelance textile designer.

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