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Finalisti 2021. - glasujte i osvojite nagradu

Lemon and Lime od Hannah Shakeri



This design mixes bright, bold colors, wavy lines, and spontaneity to give a cheerful, bright, yet absolutely modern and sophisticated atmosphere to the room. Gently sloping and curving shapes soften the effect of bold colors, and a snowy white serves as a backdrop for this.

O programu Hannah Shakeri

Hannah (Hanieh) Shakeri was born in Tehran, Iran in 1998 and moved to Western Canada in 2001. She grew up with a passion for colors, interior design, and architecture. By the age of 10, she had several pieces of literary art published. Now at the age of 15, she is in her final year of high school. In her free time, she makes oil paintings and occasionally paintings of another media.

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