Rugvista natjecanje u dizajnu!

Finalisti 2021. - glasujte i osvojite nagradu

Whale od Charles Williams



For my design I was inspired by scrap pieces of paper leftover from a previous project. I liked how with the scrap pieces of paper I was able to make so many different shapes and silhouettes of objects. After creating several designs for carpets my personal favourite I made was a whale with a cutout look to give the design a more modern feel.
For my design I was inspired by scrap pieces of paper leftover from a previous project. I liked how with the scrap pieces of paper I was able to make so many different shapes and silhouettes of objects. After creating several designs for carpets my personal favourite I made was a whale with a cutout look to give the design a more modern feel.

O programu Charles Williams

I live to design. Photography, Graphic Design, Fine Arts and Industrial Design projects are my main outlets. Currently I live in Ottawa, Ontario Canada and am in my 4th year at Carleton University enrolled in the Industrial Design program. My main goal in life is to change the world through the designs I create.
I live to design. Photography, Graphic Design, Fine Arts and Industrial Design projects are my main outlets. Currently I live in Ottawa, Ontario Canada and am in my 4th year at Carleton University enrolled in the Industrial Design program. My main goal in life is the change the world through the designs I create.

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