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Clermont - Kristina Mörsdorf



The House of Bourbon is an European royal house, a branch of the Capetian dynasty. My designs are based on the various graphic elements (Fleur-de-Lis, acanthus, etc.) the different lines of this house are carrying on their coats of arms.
The colour range from soft brown to light blue conveys a historical reference, but the graphic approach to the traditional patterns gives the carpets a very present-day atmosphere.

Robert de Clermont is the progenitor of the Capetian dynasty.

O Kristina Mörsdorf

Kristina Mörsdorf is a designer and art director, who currently lives and works in Munich, Germany. The scope of her experience includes print, web, identity and textile design. She studied communication design in Nuremberg and has been working for several design firms throughout Germany.
Ich lebe und arbeite als Gestalter und Art Director in München. Mein Portfolio umfasst Print- und Webdesign, Erscheinungsbilder und Textildesign. Ich habe in Nürnberg Kommunikationsdesign studiert und habe seither in verschiedenen Agenturen in Deutschland gearbeitet.

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