Compétition de conception Rugvista Design !


Attraction de Ting Pan



The composition of this piece is based on rectangles. Although all rectangles are in the same size, they play different weight roles in the piece because of their different values and colors. Complementary colors are my favorite color choices. In this piece I use complementary colors to show clear contrast. If we take the roles of stage to describe the piece, the blues are supporting roles; and the oranges are protagonists, who always hold the stage.

Sur Ting Pan

Ting Pan was born in Taiwan in 1994. She is currently working towards achieving a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Illustration from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, United States. She creates artwork with her passion and skill as well as her creativity. She works both traditionally and digitally. Her work usually shows her love of complementary colors, shapes, and lines.

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