

Ruska -The Colours of Autumn von Maija Laitinen



Ruska is the Finnish word for fall colors - The short period of time in the autumn when the greens of nature give way to a magical riot of colors, before succumbing to the dark coldness of the upcoming winter.
Lapin syksy ja se pienen hetken kestävä väriloisto ennen pimeää ja lumetonta alkutalvea.

Über Maija Laitinen

I am a graphic design and photography student in the University of Lapland in Rovaniemi, Finland.

Living in Rovaniemi allows me to be close to the outdoors and enjoy the activities, beauty, and serenity that Lapland and its four seasons have to offer.

Graafisen suunnittelun ja valokuvauksen opiskelija Lapin Yliopistosta, Rovaniemeltä.

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