Interesting facts on handmade carpets.

Did you know that the first carpets or floor coverings ever made are thought to have been produced as early as 7000 BC? The world's oldest surviving carpet, the Pazyryk carpet, is over 2000 years old. The carpet was discovered in 1947 in a Scythian tomb in Siberia.

Here are some more fascinating facts on handmade carpets.

- The world's largest handmade carpet is the Qasr al-Alam carpet from Iran. This carpet is larger than a football pitch in size. 

-  The most expensive carpet ever sold in the world was sold at an auction in 2013 for 33.8 million dollars.

- Camel hair was commonly used in handmade carpets in the past. This is less the case nowadays, and probably just as well seeing as camel hair gives off a rather unpleasant smell in warm and moist temperatures. 

-  The use of red colour in Persian and Oriental carpets symbolises courage and beauty.

-  In Persian handknotted carpets the tree of life represents eternal life and this detailed pattern has both Buddhist and Muslim symbols, that are also greatly influenced by European and Nordic mythology.

-  Cork wool is the name given to the wool that is trimmed/cut from the neck of the sheep. This wool contains a higher level of fat and is used in finer handknotted carpets, making them soft and shiny.

-  The first carpets were brought to Europe by Alexander the Great during the 3rd century BC, when he came back from battles in Persia.

-  The majority of Oriental and Persian carpets derive their names from the place of origin or the nomadic group. (For example, KeshanGhashghaiIsfahanMashad)

For more indepth information on handknotted carpets please refer to our Carpet Encyclopedia.

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Image shows the world's oldest surviving carpet, the Pazyryk carpet.

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